Dear Folks, I’m proud to announce you the first release of raspyfi: a ready to flash SD Image to transform your raspberry pi in a cheap audiophile source. It’s like having Voyage-mpd on your raspberry PI! Obviously this distribution is quite different from Voyage Mpd, it lacks some optimizations found in the original voyage mpd but it has some optimization made specifically for the raspberry PI. This first release is currently in alpha state, that means that there is lot of room for quality optimizations. This Distro is heavily based on Moebius Linux, you can have more info here and in the Moebius Linux Progect page.
You can find it here
This really comes ready-to-play out of the box. Just copy it on your SD card via Win32diskimager (you can grab it here) and you’re ready to go. Then you only need to connect trough SSH and edit your mpd.conf file.
If you don’t have any SSH client, I strongly suggest to use putty (available here)
you can do it by tiping on your ssh terminal :
User: root
Password: raspi
nano /etc/mpd.conf
It’s configured to find your music on usb or on a nas. If you prefere to read your music on a usb key (or hard disk, but you should use a self-powered hard disk to do so) just modify your file as follows
#music_directory “/mnt/nas”
music_directory “/media/Music”
and then ctrl+ x, then y
Otherwise, store your music on a samba share called Nas and modify as:
music_directory “/mnt/nas”
#music_directory “/media/Music”
and then ctrl+ x, then y.
then reboot
And you’re ready! Just play your library with your favourite client and enjoy!
Known issues:
-no 512mb support
-flac over 96khrz need to be resampled
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